August Feature: Soak up the last bits of summer with your Honey!

//August Feature: Soak up the last bits of summer with your Honey!

August Feature: Soak up the last bits of summer with your Honey!

Things to do with your Honey, a casual chat with Hunny Bunny


HB Host

It’s the month of August, and that means that summer is nearly over. With that in mind, Hunny and I got together to discuss the best way to make the best of the rest of summer, and make some summer magic with a special someone!

Brian Vo
Good morning Hunny Bunny!

Hunny Bunny
Good morning Brian “Ladykiller” Vo!

Brian Vo
Ahem, talk of ladykilling aside, we’ve come to some good and bad news for this part of the summer season. The bad news, is that we’re in the last full month of summer. The good news, is there’s still nearly a full month of summer!

Hunny Bunny
Time to soak it up!

Brian Vo
It’s a great time to find someone looking for a someone for the summer still, or forge the bonds with your current snuggle so you can snuggle through the chill of fall. Or actually summer, given San Francisco weather.

Hunny Bunny
Snuggling is always favored in the city by the bay.

Brian Vo
Mark Twain must not have gone to any snowy locations, but he did hit on the truth in many ways when he talked about summers in San Francisco.

On that note, I think it would be a great time to give some advice to our readers for what to do for the rest of the summer, what say you Hunny?

Hunny Bunny
Indeed! I think now is the time to air out old bathing suits.

We’re looking for two things here. First of all, its always a good idea to get rid of broken, unused, or ill-fitting garments…

Brian Vo
I kind of get the feeling this is a metaphor for people.

Hunny Bunny
…but bathing suits are a tough nut to crack.  I say, take an hour and live out your movie montage fantasy, followed by throwing away the broken things, donating the ones you don’t like, and actually using the ones that generally go unused.

Brian Vo
Ohhh you actually do mean clothes. I guess I’m reading too much into things!

Hunny Bunny
Let the metaphors flow!

This also works for evening gowns, haven’t worn that luscious and impractical gown in a while?  Fish it out, dust it off and take it for a spin around the house…but I’m getting off topic, lets keep things summery.

Brian Vo
Let’s do that! Maybe start with the outdoors? Where’s a good place for Bay Area folks to spend their fleeting sunshiney days?

Hunny Bunny
Lets point out Twin Peaks in SF, I recommend the Urban Hike, just keep walking until you get there, and Mount Diablo for the East Bay folks.  There’s plenty of sunshine up there.

Brian Vo
Sounds like a bit of a walk! Perhaps more for established couples I’d say, or at least a third date.

Hunny Bunny
Wouldn’t be more than 7 miles!

Brian Vo
Good to know, doable then! How about for the more stationary inclined folks? Maybe an outside dining experience?

Hunny Bunny
Picnics all the way, just check for anthills first.

Brian Vo
It’s a good thing to …. ANT-icipate! Hah!

Hunny Bunny

Brian Vo
Alright, say you’re still on the prowl and you want to find someone for the rest of the summer. Where are the singles spots?

Hunny Bunny

Brian Vo
You heard it here first readers!
Ok, next question then…

Hunny Bunny
Wait, wait, I do have something to say about that.

Brian Vo
Whaaaaat? (editor’s note, honestly shocked here)

Hunny Bunny
But we have to use a little retrograde analysis.
You, dear reader, have to choose your own adventure…Think about the quality that you are looking for, or the experience you want to have, then go to that place.

Brian Vo

Hunny Bunny
Talk to people without being creepy or expect too much of them.

Brian Vo
That sounds like a pretty tall order, but I see you have faith in our readership.

Hunny Bunny
Just stating the facts!

Brian Vo
Some straight talk from Hunny folks. Feel grateful.

Hunny Bunny
What are your dreams for the twilight of Summer Mr. Vo?

Brian Vo
Well, I hope to get into some belated adventures myself, do some things I should have done a long time ago as a local, and get some culture while I’m at it.

Hunny Bunny

Brian Vo
I believe that I’ll peruse some of the many museums on offer in the bay area, including the Asian Art Museum and the newly reopened SFMOMA, and then check out some local geographical history in the Sutro Bath ruins.

Hunny Bunny
The sutro baths is fascinating! It’s a recent ruin.
There’s also an amazing brick facade in Santa Rosa that has the same quality.  I forget what industry the building was originally a part of, but now its just a two sided brick wall abutted by leaning planks.

Beautiful and strange.

Brian Vo
Intriguing, that bears further investigation. A real adventure!

Hunny Bunny
I definitely suggest having an adventure before summer ends

Brian Vo
Any last adventurous locations for our readers Hunny?
Or perhaps some immersive experiences?

Hunny Bunny
Your own heart is a must explore destination for all our readers no matter the season.

Brian Vo
Oooh, very deep, very deep.

Hunny Bunny
I’ve also recently fallen in love with the pear orchards of Moraga, and there is no better time to visit them than when they are swelling with fruit. Remember, pears are picked before they ripen.

Brian Vo
There’s a metaphor for patience in relationships here I think.
Well, I believe we’ve given a lot of food for thought and some great leads for our readers. I think we’d be remiss if we didn’t say that heading to the Skylark on Friday nights would be an excellent start to any romantic weekend.

Hunny Bunny
Absolutely! Jordan our beloved bartender is just waiting to mix up your love potion

Brian Vo
I think she means legitimate alcoholic drinks folks.

Hunny Bunny
I like to make Jordan stick a finger in my drink so I can taste a little of him too.

Brian Vo
Weeeeeeeell that’s good go know. On that note folks, please come visit us at the Skylark!



By |2016-08-11T14:41:00-07:00August 11th, 2016|Blog|Comments Off on August Feature: Soak up the last bits of summer with your Honey!

About the Author:

When Brian isn't at the Skylark or interviewing burlesque dancers, he's working at a startup and writing on his own blog,